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We can't believe it at Book Off HQ, but we're a full ten series old! It's been an amazing ride so far, and we're really excited about the guests we have coming up...Graham Norton, Dawn O'Porter and Lindsey Kelk to name but a few.

Here's a wee behind the scenes pic of episode one with Joe Haddow and Deacon Blue's Ricky Ross...

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Writer's pictureBook Off HQ

This week's episode features two debut novelists, Jo Browning Wroe and Miranda Cowley Heller. (if you don't have 3 names, you ain't getting in!)

In the Book Off, Miranda pitched Tolkien's "Lord Of The Rings" - a book that I read as a teenager, but have never returned to. I loved our chat about this novel because it made me excited about the book all over again, and I now want to re-read it.

Without giving too much away, Miranda argued the case that by re-reading the book as an adult I would appreciate it in a different way - and I think she's probably right.

Anyway - we decided that I would re-read it, and when Miranda is over in the UK next, myself, Jo and Miranda are all going on a pilgrimage to Oxford, to drink in The Eagle And Child pub, where Tolkien was a regular - and wrote many bits of LOTR.

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Writer's pictureBook Off HQ

It's been an exciting day in Book Off Towers, prepping our first Book Off of 2022! Bestselling novelist Monica Ali goes head-to-head with winner of Merky Books New Writers' Prize Hafsa Zayyan. I absolutely loved chatting with Monica and Hafsa, and can't wait to share the episode with you!

New Book Off tote bags coming soon...

We're also super excited about the brand new Book Off tote bags! Stay tuned for how you can get your mitts on one of these very soon!

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